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Ensuring Continuous Care for Wildfire Evacuees in British Columbia

July 30, 2024

The College of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CRNA) and the British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM) are working together to ensure displaced Albertans who are temporarily residing in British Columbia due to wildfire evacuation, are able to receive the care they need.

To facilitate uninterrupted care for wildfire evacuees who are seeking refuge in British Columbia, CRNA registrants can provide virtual care to Alberta residents temporarily in the province. Registrants of the CRNA are not required to register with the BCCNM to provide virtual care to Albertan wildfire evacuees. This decision aligns with the BCCNM's Virtual Care Policy.

The CRNA, in collaboration with the BCCNM, continues to prioritize the delivery of ethical, safe and competent care for Albertans.