Policy Number: | GP 17 | Effective Date: | April 2024 |
Last Review Date: | March 2021 | Next Review Date: | April 2025 |
Review Frequency: | Annually | Related Supporting Documents: |
The Nominating Committee is established under Bylaw 3.
The committee is delegated authority from Council via Bylaw 3.
3.1. The committee shall comprise six (6) members.
3.2. The committee shall strive for an equal membership of registrant members and public members.
3.3. Any committee member may serve as committee Chair.
3.4. The Chair shall be selected by Council on recommendation from the Nominating Committee in accordance with the governance committee chair selection process approved by Council.
4.1. Members must be a current member of Council.
4.2. Members shall meet the competence requirements in the Council and Committees Selection Policy approved by Council.
4.3. Council is responsible for removal of members.
5.1. The term of office for committee members is three (3) years or until the end of the Council member’s term, whichever is shorter.
5.2. The term of the Chair is two (2) years or until the end of the Council member’s term, whichever is shorter.
5.3. All committee members may serve one (1) additional term.
5.4. The Chair may serve one (1) additional term or until the Chair’s term of appointment as a member of Council expires, whichever is shorter.
A quorum is a majority of members.
7.1. The committee meets not less than four times per year, and at such other times as may be called by the Chair.
7.2. The committee establishes in consultation with management a schedule of meetings each year in order to discharge its responsibilities.
7.3. An agenda for each meeting is set by the Chair in consultation with management and circulated, together with materials relating to the subject matter of each meeting, to committee members in advance of each meeting.
7.4. At the discretion of the Chair in consultation with management, the committee meets in person, by video conference, and/or by teleconference.
7.5. Minutes are prepared and circulated in draft form to all committee members to ensure an accurate final record and the minutes are approved at the next scheduled meeting of the committee.
7.6. All decisions shall be by a majority vote.
The committee:
8.1. Assists Council in ensuring Council and the governance and regulatory committees have the competencies and attributes (the experience, knowledge, skills, and character), to enable them to fulfil their roles and public protection mandate.
8.2. Oversees the recruitment of qualified candidates recommended for appointment and reappointment to Council and regulatory committees as established in the Council and Committees Selection Policy.
8.3. Oversees succession planning for Council and the governance and regulatory committees.
8.4. Collaborates with Council Chair, governance and regulatory committee chairs, and College staff to assess the recruitment needs of Council and governance and regulatory committees.
8.5. Implements Council-approved processes that are structured, transparent, and objective for actively recruiting, evaluating, and selecting qualified, diverse candidates for
8.5.1. appointment and reappointment to Council and the governance and regulatory committee.
8.5.2. selection of the Council Chair.
8.5.3. appointment and reappointment of chairs for the governance and regulatory committees.
8.6. Independently recruits, vets, and recommends to Council selected candidates for appointment and reappointment to
8.6.1. registrant positions on Council, driven by needed competencies and attributes.
8.6.2. registrant and public member positions, as the case may be, on the regulatory committees, driven by needed competencies and attributes.
8.7. Recommends to Council in accordance with the Council and Committees Selection Policy and processes approved by Council:
8.7.1. qualified candidates for Council Chair.
8.7.2. candidates selected from among the membership of governance and regulatory committees for appointment and reappointment to the position of committee chair.
8.8. Acts in accordance with applicable legislation, the Bylaws, and Council-approved principles, policies, processes, and criteria in discharging its duties.
8.9. Seeks Council’s input and involves Council in its work, as appropriate.
8.10. Discharges its duties in a transparent, independent, impartial, and fair manner.
8.11. Reviews the Nominating Committee’s processes on a regular basis and recommends improvements to Council.
8.12. Reviews this Charter at least every three (3) years.
8.13. Performs any other activities necessary to fulfil its mandate, or as may be required by Council from time to time.
8.14. Has authority to spend an amount of money designated annually by Council.
Committee members must:
9.1. maintain complete neutrality in carrying out their duties and responsibilities.
9.2. if they wish to run for Council Chair, immediately declare a conflict of interest and recuse themselves from all discussions and deliberations concerning Council Chair selection.
The committee is accountable to Council and the committee chair will provide a formal report on the committee’s activities at each quarterly Council meeting.