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GP 12 - Registration Review Committee Charter

Policy Number: GP 12 Effective Date: March 2023
Last Review Date: September 2022 Next Review Date: March 2024
Review Frequency: Annually Related Supporting Documents:
  1. Establishment 

    The Registration Review Committee is established pursuant to section 19, 31, 32, and 41 of the Act.

  2. Source of Authority 

    The committee is delegated authority from Council via Bylaw 3.

  3. Composition  

    The committee shall comprise a maximum of eight (8) members.

    3.2. The committee shall include a minimum of 50% public members appointed by Council.

    3.3. The balance of the committee shall be Registrants.

    3.4. Any committee member may serve as Chair.

    3.5. The Chair shall be selected by Council on recommendation from the Nominating Committee.

  4. Eligibility  

    Members must not currently be a member of College Council or another College
    Regulatory Committee. 

    4.2. Members shall meet the competence requirements defined by the Nominating Committee.

    4.2. Council is responsible for removal of members

  5. Term  

    The term of office for committee members is three (3) years, staggered with approximately one-third of these members appointed each year.

    5.2. The term of office for the Chair is two (2) years.

    5.3.  All committee members may serve one (1) additional term.

    5.4.  A member continues to hold office after the expiry of the member’s term until the member is reappointed or a successor is appointed. 

    5.5. If a vacancy occurs on the Registration Review Committee, Council may:

    5.5.1. appoint another person as a member of the committee; or

    5.5.2. leave the vacancy unfilled, unless the membership would be reduced below three, in which case another person shall be appointed as a member of the Registration Review Committee.

  6. Quorum  

    A quorum is four members and must include 50 per cent public representatives.

  7. Meetings 

    All decisions shall be by a majority vote.

    7.2. The Chair does not vote unless there is a tied vote, in which case the Chair’s vote decides the matter.

    7.3. Subject to the Act and the Bylaws the Registration Committee may determine its own rules respecting the calling of and conduct at its meetings. Meetings of the committee are held in private unless otherwise determined by the committee.

  8. Duties and Powers 

    8.1. Hear appeals of decisions of the Registrar, Registration Committee and Competence Committee;

    8.2. Undertake any other power or duty given to it under the Act, the Regulations, or the Bylaws;



    Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, all proceedings of the Registration Review Committee are confidential.

    9.2. Each member of the Registration Review Committee shall keep information received by them as a member of the committee confidential.

    9.3. Information given to the Registration Review Committee shall be disclosed only in accordance with the Act, the Regulations, and the Bylaws, or as otherwise required by law.

    9.4. The Registration Review Committee may authorize the disclosure of information for statistical use when the information cannot be attributed to a particular individual or facility.

    9.5. The CEO & Registrar shall not disclose any information respecting a matter before the Registration Review Committee unless the information is required to be disclosed for the purpose of the Act, the Regulations or the Bylaws or as otherwise required by law.